Keeping You On Track As To Your Legal Matters

Proactive Elder Law Services

Whether you want to prepare for your care and wellbeing as you get older, or you are a caretaker who is helping your parents face new challenges as they get older,   Schmidt & Yee, P.C. in Aloha can help. By planning for possible future needs through legal means such as Powers of Attorney, Advance Directives and Medicaid planning, you can ease worry and avoid the extra expense of last-minute decisions or court involvement. We serve families in Aloha, Beaverton, Hillsboro, NW Portland, Banks, Forest Grove and all communities throughout Washington County, Oregon.

Guardianship And Conservatorship

Sometimes the court appointment of a Guardian or Conservator for an incapacitated person becomes necessary.  A Guardian manages the health and welfare of another individual who is unable to handle their affairs on their own. Being a guardian for an elder could include coordinating housing, medical care, home health services and the elder’s safety. A Conservator manages property and savings, paying bills and filing taxes for a person who is no longer able to do so. 

Our lawyers advise clients who need to be appointed the guardian or conservator of a family member or relative. We also help families avoid the need for guardianship or conservatorship by proactively creating powers of attorney for finances and health care. Drafting a power of attorney allows you to create your customized directive of what duties you would like your appointee to have if you become incapacitated. 

Protecting Your Assets Through Medicaid Planning

If you or a family member need to access Medicaid benefits in the future, you run the risk of losing your life’s savings without proactive planning with a lawyer. Our lawyers provide Medicaid-planning services so that you can protect some of your assets rather than exhausting those assets paying for nursing home or long-term care expenses. Our lawyers can fully explain Medicaid benefits and how it applies to your situation.

Contact Us Today To Start Planning

You can put our experience with elder law matters to work for you. Give Schmidt & Yee, P.C., a call at 503-642-7641 or contact us online to schedule an initial consultation regarding your situation.